Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Locks of Love

I've been letting my hair grow out for the last year and a half because I wanted to donate it to Locks of Love. The minimum you can donate is 10 inches so I had to let my hair grow longer than I've ever had it before. Here's my long hair.

I had Justin measure the correct amount and chop it off.

Here I am after he chopped 10 inches.

My donation:

I had a hair appointment this morning to get a style with what is left of my hair. As I was driving down 10th Ave towards the salon, I noticed random traffic lights were out. When I got to the mall, there was no power. So, I had to reschedule my appointment for tomorrow. I'm stuck with uneven hair for one more day. Not a big deal considering it still pulls back into a low ponytail.

Yesterday, after Justin got back from alert, we went out to lunch and ended up at Petco. We got a water fountain bowl thing for the cats. It filters the water and keeps it moving. It's supposed to be good for them and we like to spoil them.

At first they were suspicious of the moving water, but they quickly got used to it.

A few weeks ago I was looking for something and found the original bed we bought for the kitties when they were little. I put it on the floor and Fatty climbed into it. He barely fits.

Just for a comparison: When we got them, both cats took up half that bed. Now one cat almost fills up the entire thing.

Last night was a traumatic night for the kitties. At about midnight, Justin went and hung up his flight suit that I washed and Swirly ran into the front closet (unbeknown to us). So she spent the night trapped in the coat closet. At 7, Justin went downstairs and didn't see her but he heard her in the closet. She had pulled a coat off the hanger and made herself a little bed. She's fine but she was stuck in there for a good length of time. Upon his arrival downstairs, Justin also discovered that Fatty had puked a bunch of times. There was only a little on the carpet. Mostly it was on the kitchen floor and the blue carpet we have in the laundry room. I don't know what was wrong with him, but he looks okay now and ate this morning so hopefully he won't be throwing up anymore. The only real casualty was my shoe.
Hopefully, running it through the washing machine will take care of the cat puke on it. Otherwise, I might have to get new shoes.

It's been an eventful 24 hours here at the Jones house.

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