Monday, October 18, 2010

It Looks Like A House

My parents' house is coming along! Hopefully they will be able to move in next month.

Most of the siding is done.

What will eventually be a screened in porch area. The trees behind their house are part of a wildlife refuge type place on protected land, so it will remain undeveloped.

Crown molding and walls!

I can't wait to visit.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

A few weeks ago we decided to get an exercise bike so we would have a way to stay in shape during the long, cold winter when it's hard to even leave the house. We ordered one off Amazon and it got delivered right to our front door. Anytime something new enters the house, the cats get really excited, especially if that something new comes in a box.

Swirly reading the directions to Justin.

Our new bike...

...which turned into her new sleeping spot.

My precious babies.