Justin had a few days off after code change, which was nice. We just stayed home and relaxed for a few days.
Fatty has these mice that he loves to play with. The only problem is that he bats them around and they go under things that he can't reach. I fished out some mice from under the refrigerator and this is what I came up with:
Last week my parents came to visit! When they came last summer, it was the first time they had been to Montana so we did all the tourist-y things and went lots of places. This time we relaxed more and stayed in town most of the time. For the last few months, my parents have been running around non-stop, selling their house, going to South Carolina to finalize construction on their new house, getting ready to move, etc. So they enjoyed being able to just sit and relax for a week.
A few days ago was their 30th wedding anniversary. We got an ice cream cake to celebrate.
While my parents were in town, Justin had a few days off but still had some stuff to do. One day while he was gone, my parents and I went down to the river to walk on the trails and ended up walking to Giants Springs State Park. Here's me and my daddy along the trail.
Some interesting plant, probably a weed.
A kingfisher of some variety.
Cliff swallow nests in the rock.
Me and my mommy at the world's shortest river.
The one place we had to go while they were in town was Helena, to go to the used bookstores. Lucky for us, my parents are both readers as well. This trip was quite successful, I got a total of seven books :)
After the bookstores we walked along the Helena Walking Mall and looked in the stores. Here are the parentals:
We've been to Helena numerous times but this was the first time I noticed the old water tower/lookout on top of the hill by the walking mall. As you can see, it's about to storm.
At some point Justin was taking a nap on the couch and Swirly decided to lay right next to his head. I thought it was cute so I took a picture.
The main reason my parents came to visit when they did was so we could go to the Montana State Fair. We saw most of the same stuff as last year. However, there was one new thing that Justin was super excited about. LEGOS. That's right. Sometimes I feel like I have a child. But, honestly, the kid's area was really cool.
Here's Justin with his LEGO lanyard.
The LEGO experience. This would have been a great place to take a kid (or husband).
We don't buy bottled water anymore. We use a Brita pitcher to save money and help the environment. However, when we have company we get bottled water for them. Swirly loves the bottled water case. Here she is hanging out in it on the counter.
She was enjoying herself until Fatty decided to come pester her.
The kitties like my parents, thank goodness. I feel better knowing if something happened to us, the kitties would have a home to go to. Fatty hung out with my mom on the sofa quite a bit at night.
We had a great time with the parentals. I'm so glad they were able to come visit before they move.
Also, Happy Birthday to my Daddy today :)
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