It's hard to believe that we've lived in Montana for a year now. In some ways this past year has felt incredibly short and in other ways it has seemed to drag on forever. After experiencing every month in Great Falls, I feel I can give it a fair evaluation. We have had some great times here in "Not So Great" Falls, but on the whole, this is not a place I would ever choose to live. When you stay in the same place for an extended period of time, you adapt to it and begin to view your current location as normal. It's not until you leave and return that you realize just how isolated you are. I forget what it's like to live in civilization. I forget that it's not normal to drive an hour and half to get to the next nearest city. I forget what it's like to have choices in retailers and have the option to choose between such similar places as Lowe's and Home Depot, Sam's Club and Costo, Barnes and Noble and Border's. All the familiar aspects of living in the suburbs are lost.
However...we have made some good friends here in Montana, we have a nice house to live in and there is a lot of scenery unique to this area.
On a random side note: I was looking through all my pictures and realized that before I started this blog, most of the photos I took were unseen by family and friends. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to make posts with pictures from the last 3 or 4 years, of the places Justin and I have gone and the things we've seen.
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