For my birthday, we got a new television for our bedroom. The one we had was really old and the speakers made a weird vibrating noise if you turned the volume up past a certain level. It was really annoying so we got a new one. It's a flat screen and the picture is really nice. A big upgrade from what we had in there.
The weather has been up and down the last month or so. We had lots of snow and then a week of 45 - 50 degree weather and most of the snow melted. But then it snowed again. The kitties like to watch the snow out the front window.
It's kinda pretty to see the trees with this sort of snow on them.
Yesterday, someone rang the doorbell and delivered these for me from Justin!
One of the guys in Justin's squadron did this for a fundraiser for the squadron. His wife made all the arrangements and they delivered them to people who live on base. I was completely surprised. Of course, the cats were immediately interested in the flowers and were trying to eat them. I told Justin to make sure it was okay before I left them on the counter. Justin looked it up online and sure enough, baby's breath is poisonous to cats, along with about 400 other types of flowers. So I had to put them up on top of the bookshelves to make sure the cats couldn't get to them. Last thing I need is for them to get poisoned by my flowers.
The inspectors are on base last week and this week. They keep doing exercises and shutting down buildings and stuff. Justin got stuck inside the gym yesterday for like 3 hours because of the exercise. Also, he was supposed to have a trainer ride this morning and he just called and said the building is shut down and he can't get in so his trainer ride is going to be rescheduled. I guess the vice-commander of the entire group is really mad that they keep messing up the scheduling for the missileers. Anyway, that's about all that's new here. Hope everyone is well :)
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