Last month, my parents and brother came to visit. We had a great time showing them around Great Falls (which didn't take very long). We went down to Helena and went shopping since there is a severe lack of stores here. Probably the best thing we did was the Gates of the Mountain tour. The tour is a guided boat adventure down the Missouri river through limestone cliff walls and forest. The boat adventure was gorgeous. Halfway through we were able to get back on land and go for a walk. We hiked a mile or two. Justin and Stephen went off on their own and climbed up the mountain, almost to the peak. It was really scenic and had great opportunities for photos. Sadly, my camera batteries died halfway through. But I was able to get a few good pictures before that happened.
The base had its annual inspection the two weeks after my family left. Justin got called in to do a test and did really well. A lot of people failed the tests during the inspection, but overall, the base passed. Justin also got a new crew partner, Capt. Bassman. His new crew partner is working out really well so far. Justin likes him a lot and they get along well. Granted, Justin gets along with pretty much everyone, but still. Not too much else is new with the Air Force.
My computer died again. Third time since I've had it and second time in the last month and a half. We went to Missoula yesterday to go to Best Buy and Red Robin and check out the used bookstore. The Geek Squad guy at Best Buy said that the laptop I have has known motherboard issues and that's why it kept dying. The laptop got sent off the get fixed again. But in more exciting news, I got a new computer! We got a desktop for me since my laptop has so many issues. That laptop will just be a backup now in case anything happens to either of our desktops. Also, if we need a portable computer, we will have that. We had to rearrange the family room area to fit another desk.
That's about all the news from Montana. I will leave you with a picture of a kitty looking down from the banister upstairs.
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