We've moved! Last week I packed up over 2000 pounds of our stuff and drove it over to our new house on base. I made nine trips with my CRV. The kitties, for some reason, decided that laying on top of the suitcases was a much more suitable napping place than anywhere else in the old house. They were quite disappointed when I moved the suitcases to put clothes in them.

The cats really enjoyed all the paper I took out of the old boxes that were in our garage. I think that was their favorite part about the whole thing. Even at the new house, anytime I threw paper on the floor, they were all over it. Every pile I made got thrown everywhere and pieces ended up two rooms over from where they started. But it kept the kitties entertained so it's all good.

I had to throw this picture in here because it's the first picture I've ever gotten of her where she doesn't look scary or evil or something. Usually she won't look at the camera or she moves around so much that all the pictures are blurry. But I finally got a good shot of her, after almost a year of trying.

Last Saturday, when Justin was on alert, it was Military Night at the Great Falls Voyagers baseball park. We got free tickets so a bunch of us went to the game. We had a bbq at Katie and Ben's house first and then headed to the game. It was weird going without Justin, but that is the life of a missileer. Fiona's husband was on alert too so at least I wasn't the only lone wife. This is the first picture I've gotten of us wives together. From the left: Katie, Katherine, Fiona, myself, Lindsay and baby Caleb.

Justin had Monday off, but that was the day we moved so he didn't really have the day off. This move onto base was the worst move we've had. Usually everything is fine. This time, the movers were AWFUL. It was two teenage boys and the driver guy. The boys just threw our stuff into boxes, no padding, no concern for putting heavier things on the bottom. They didn't put our mattresses in boxes so they all got dirty. The one guy's dirty hands touched all my dishes so I had to run everything through the dishwasher. It was not a fun day. But, thankfully, we don't have to move again for four years!
Justin went on alert again on Tuesday so I spent the day unpacking. I unpacked on Wednesday as well. Yesterday Justin was off again so we ran some errands and picked up some stuff for the new place. We finished unpacking, so now the house is mostly put together. All that's left is to hang stuff on the walls. Justin is on alert again today. He hasn't really had a day off in over a week, but after next Tuesday he has five or six days off, so hopefully he can relax and enjoy the new place.
Okay here come the pictures of our undecorated house.
Here is the kitchen dining area.

The family room is split into two areas. This is Justin's computer corner. He wanted to be down here so he could be on his computer and not feel like he was trapped in a cave or something.

The rest of the family room is the lounging, tv watching area. The video game stuff is still piled in the corner for Justin to deal with when he gets a chance. I don't do video games, so it's his job to figure out where he wants to put stuff.

This is my fabulous, giant laundry room! This might be my favorite part of the new house.

The kitchen is pretty nice too. We finally have counter space to have appliances out, with room to spare for cooking.

The formal living room/dining room has been turned into a library. The cat bed in the corner is where a chair is going. We bought one yesterday and it should be here in 2-4 weeks. Then the room will be a little less empty.

Here is the view from the top of the stairs. We already have 3 book shelves full and more books on the way from Amazon. We will probably need another book shelf before the end of the summer. Justin and I are both really happy that we had the space to make a library area.

And here's the master bedroom. Our furniture we bought a few months ago actually fits in this room. And there's enough closet space for both of us. AND there's an attached master bath. It's really great.

Once we get stuff hung on the walls, the house will feel more like ours and more like home. Even so, this place is the nicest place we've lived as a couple.
Tomorrow night, Great Falls is having fireworks for the 4th.
Happy 4th of July everyone!
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